Wednesday, May 12, 2010

For Bethany...

Evan and Annica have made a fort in the back room out of your PILE of furniture we are storing.

It is intricate with many passages and bedrooms. It is filled with blankets, dolls, and cars.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Betsy came home and Alex and Dana go to the driving range.

I am a white person.

Solid swing Al. well done.

Not so much but I am learning so we can golf together when we are old.

Betsy and Andrew @ Hopcats.

She is Adorable.

sooo ashamed with my lack of natural golfing talent.

Doing Stuff

E and Annica slurping slurpies while Lois and I ran errands.

I babysat Lindsey,Taylor, and Cassidy while B&L took McKenzie to her geography bee.

POGS!! You guys remember pogs? I had to google the rules, but it all came back to me:)

and we did our nails!